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tamoadmin 2024-07-16 人已围观

简介1.英语翻译,不机机器翻译的212.几个关于二手车的英文翻译3.外贸英语翻译 on the market 和 in the market 到底有什么区别4.上海闵行区二手车交易市场 英语怎么翻译准确翻译结果:Second-hand consignment store二手second-hand;used更多释义>>[网络短语]二手玫瑰 Second Hand Rose;Lucifer



3.外贸英语翻译 on the market 和 in the market 到底有什么区别

4.上海闵行区二手车交易市场 英语怎么翻译准确



Second-hand consignment store




二手玫瑰 Second Hand Rose;Lucifer walks free;Second Hand Rose Band

二手车 Used Cars;ein gebrauchtes Auto;Second Hand Car

二手食物 leftovers;Doggie bag;The doggie bag


1. 昨天早上我醒来时外面正下着大雨。

2. 据医生说,躺在床上看书会严重损害眼睛(健康)。

3. 这位新来的非常不习惯在全班同学面前讲话。

4. 她买了一辆二手车,因为买不起新的。

5. 尽管失败了不止一次,他永不言弃。

6. 我不想扔掉旧练习本,(因为)它们是我的朋友。


The rising of the car aftermarket economic lets the "gold digger" found tremendous business opportunities which covers many areas of car repair, maintenance, renovation, car beauty, cleaning, annual inspection, follow-up insurance, security, safety, second-hand car trading etc.

According to CCTV survey: more than 60% of our high-end private car owners has car beauty needs; 70% of private car owners are willing to install a burglar alarm equipment ...

Roland Berger reported that in 2010 the scale of China's car aftermarket will reach 190 billion yuan. According to insiders, the threshold for the car beauty, decoration, repairing etc. is not high. the total amount of investment will be about 50000 -250000 yuan which is suitable for small entrepreneurs too.

外贸英语翻译 on the market 和 in the market 到底有什么区别




courtesy cars 礼仪用车

active source可以解释为“主动购”,但这是动词,名词是active sourcing

上海闵行区二手车交易市场 英语怎么翻译准确

on the market 意为在市场上等待出售 跟商品有关

in the market 意为在市场里(in 在这短语中指在某个空间里,无买卖之意)如:

1、He was foud stealing something in the market.(他在市场里偷东西时被人发现了。in the market强调地点)

2、NOw varieties of cheap computers are on the market for people to choose(如今,大量廉价电脑上市,有待人们挑选。on the market 强调上市待售。)

in the market for something的原始意义为:(人)在市场里,目的是为了得到某样东西。for 表示目的:为了 转译过来即为:去市场上买什么东西.如:

Mr. Smith was in the market for some vegetables.史密斯先生去市场买些蔬菜。


最简单的:Minhang Used Car Market

谁都知道你在上海,minhang是闵行区,就不用写shanghai出来了;二手车其实就是used car用过的车,也包括三手四手。。。

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